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Friday, May 6, 2011

Visit the Ruins of Tongobriga - Ash

The Ruins of Tongobriga, located in the Parish of Ash, began to be excavated in August 1980, at a place called "the chapel of the Moors", a name given by locals to the small visible part of the then Roman ruins.
The structure-Roman hilltop in Tongobriga created by the emperor Augustus, matured political, administrative and economically, resulting in the installation of a city. The excavation lets say at the end of the century. I, the beginning of the century. II Tongobriga emerges as civitas, with a preponderance of the surrounding region.
The construction of the baths at the end of the century. I, second century of the forum and other public buildings identified, corresponding to the aim of providing this urban center of community facilities that by their monumentality and architectural wealth, impose Tongobriga as a center of attraction and decision. Along with the forum were the public baths, built in the late Tongobriga Century and later remodeled. These ruins are classified as National Monument.

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